

Curriculum of the Ph.D. program

Doctoral students at MGSE have to pass six Ph.D. courses. At least three of these courses have to be chosen from the four core subjects micro- and macroeconomics, econometrics and public economics, whereas the remaining ones can be chosen freely among the core subjects and the elective courses. Each academic year is composed of a Winter term and a Summer term.

First Year
At the beginning of the program, each doctoral student gets assigned a professor as personal mentor. In their first year doctoral students finish at least five of the required six Ph.D. classes including all of the classes from the core subjects. Right from the beginning they start to develop a small research project and present it in the Research Strategy Seminar during the second term. Based on this presentation students choose a thesis supervisor matching their interests at the end of the first year. The thesis supervisor replaces the personal mentor for the rest of the program duration.

Second Year
In the first term of the second year doctoral students finish the required number of classes. They start intensive work on their doctoral thesis and show the progress of their research each term in one of the department's Research Workshops that corresponds to their topic.

Third Year
Within the third year doctoral students complete their Ph.D. thesis. Again, they present the progress of their work in the Research Workshops. In addition, they demonstrate the thesis work once in the department's major weekly Research Seminar. Furthermore, they are encouraged to present their work on international research jamborees and conferences.

In the second or third year of the program, our students may seize the chance to stay abroad for academic purposes.
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