

   理财英语说法   financing
  manage money matters
   理财的相关 短语   企业理财 Enterprise Financing ; enterprise management of money matters ;
  理财商数 FQ ; MQ ; Financial Intelligence Quotient
  理财业务 Project Ten Investment ; Financial Services ; Wealth management ;
  精明理财 smart money ; MoneySense ; Money Compass ; Money
  轻松理财 XP ; Easy Money
  优先理财 Priority Banking
  青年理财 MMBiz ; My Money Business
  理财市场 financial markets ; wealth management market ; finance market ;
   理财的英语例句   1. Which bank offers you the service that best suits your financial needs?
  2. We'll help you look after your finances.
  3. He is good at managing money matters.
  4. You should refuse to meet anyone who cold calls with an offer of financial advice.
  5. Many financial planners now recommend against ever fully paying off your home loan.
  6. Some people may manage their finances badly and therefore have to go short of essentials.
  7. She's not a very good manager, she always spends more money than she earns.
  她不大会理财, 总是入不敷出.
  8. You could end up committed to yet another savings scheme and none the wiser about managing your finances.
  9. He got the position on the strength of his skill in finance.
  10. Everybody in Detroit knew that Chrysler was run by financial men.
  11. Cowperwood's innate financial ability did not reassure Stener in this hour.
  12. The great artists of finance like Morgan and Rockefeller weren't deflected.
  13. This is prudent finance, not unsound finance.
  这是谨慎的理财 方法 , 而不是不健全的理财方法.
  14. His wife is a prudent manager of money.
  15. The seven hundred, by his process of handling, had only carried them into June.
  由他来理财, 那700块钱只将他们维持到了6月份.
  关于理财的英文阅读:从美国人的存钱误区学理财   The savings mistakes range from directly buying company stock to not saving for retirement.Here are the worst savings mistakes that you may be making:
  1.You don't have a savings account.
  Just 51 percent of American families have a savings account, according to the Fed's survey. Having a savings account is critical for being able to save over the long term.
  2.You aren't saving for retirement.
  Only 35 percent of families have an employer retirement plan, 28 percent of them have an individual retirement account (IRA), and 13 percent have both types of accounts, according to the Fed's survey.
  根据美联储调查显示,仅有35%的美国家庭可以享受企业养老金计划,28%的家庭拥有私人养老金账户(IRA),13% 的家庭两种都有。
  3.You have bought a few stocks directly from the stock market.
  29 percent of families directly hold one stock, and 53 percent of families directly hold 2 to 9 stocks, according to the Fed's survey. People that aren't investing for a living are likely to lose money by buying individual stocks because they are being outsmarted by professional traders, high-frequency traders, and professional investors that have studied companies' fundamentals closely. Diversification, on the other hand, insulates you from individual companies' mistakes and allows you to benefit from the economy's general growth.
  4.You chose your bank because it is close to you, not because of what it has to offer.
  46 percent of households said they chose the location of their checking account because of the "location of their offices," according to the Fed's survey. Convenience is good, but it's even better to not have to pay crazy fees.
  5.You don't have a checking account.
  10 percent of families do not have a checking account, 59 percent of whom are in the bottom income quintile, 51 percent are headed by someone younger than age 45, and 66 percent of whom were minorities, according to the Fed's survey. Having a checking account is important for keeping track of your finances.
1. 投资理财的名言
2. 10000元如何理财
3. 理财成功营销案例
4. 目前最好的理财方法有哪些
5. 理财保险销售话术
6. 个人成功的理财之道
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